Love Heart Bouquet
Spread love with a bouquet that will last for ages. These hand-painted flower pots include three Heart RelationCHIPS in assorted colors. On one side, you’ll find a heart & the...

Easter RelationCHIPS
Fill your Easter baskets with pocket-sized Easter cheer! These little treasures are the perfect way to spread kindness and joy to friends and family near and far. One side features...

Gingham the Bunny
Gingham is here to bring a hoppin’ good time to your Easter décor! She’s white with an adorable gingham pattern painted inside her ears and a fluffy yellow cotton tail...

Easter Comfy Beds
These popular Seeds of Happiness accessories are painted in pastels that complement this year’s Easter SMILES. Create a colorful display on a shelf, desk, or holiday table. Available 2 or...

Bunny Hops Magnets
These spring colored magnets are the perfect addition to your refrigerator or filing cabinet! Sold in sets of three, each bunny behind is topped with a cotton tail. Keep them...