SPARK ⭕ Bringing back smiles - Seeds of Happiness

SPARK ⭕ Bringing back smiles

SPARK ⭕ Bringing back smiles

June 19, 2024

I lost my best friend to suicide a month ago today. I am usually a very happy girl. I smile all the time and know how to make others smile. But for around 2 weeks I just couldn't bring myself to do so. Then my mom came home from work with a seed of happiness from one of her co-workers for me and it was the first thing that made me smile. I love what you guys are doing and thank you for bringing me my smile back. Keep on smiling!

- Maggie

Also in Community Stories

SPARK ⭕ Grief and Smiles

June 29, 2024

I asked my professor if I could miss class because my dog was being put down, I was 8 hours away so I didn't even get to say goodbye. She of course let me, and we shared one of our few hugs. Later she had my roommate drop off a seed of happiness.

I have kept it with me the last two years. 

Now, her husband was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. It has already spread to his brain and spine. Obviously not the same, but now I am right hours away from her.

Now I get to plant a seed of happiness. 

I grieve for her. I am so glad I got to see their amazing love for each other. Her unbreakable spirit is something to truly be inspired by.


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SPARK ⭕ Seeds are for happiness

June 28, 2024

I give my kids Seeds when they bring home an "A" on a school test or when they accomplish a goal, like a karate belt. My son recently earned his orange belt so I gave him and orange SOH 

They are not just for the tough times, they are a great way to celebrate life too!

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SPARK ⭕ Giving smiles in times of need

June 27, 2024

I found out earlier today my friends mom was in the hospital.

I had one of my favorites seeds in my pocket that I've carried around for about 4 months.

I knew she needed the smile so much more than I did, so I gave my purple seed to her. The look on her face was so rewarding, she hugged me and started to cry because it brought a smile to her face. She said to me that she was going to immediately take it to her mom because it just so happened to be her moms favorite color.

It gave me chills to think that I helped someone that much.

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