SPARK ⭕ We're making a difference, together - Seeds of Happiness

SPARK ⭕ We're making a difference, together

SPARK ⭕ We're making a difference, together

June 18, 2024

So I got my SOH in time for my acts of kindness birthday and in the same day I got another SOH box with a flower and pot. No idea who it was from but it made my night...

Thought I would share some reactions from giving out the SOH to strangers..

A waitress at a bar we hit. "I have had a horrible week and this right here has made it ok, I don't think you realize how much I needed this.”

Stranger on the street "you mean this is for me, to just make me smile?" And then she cried and hugged me..

A waiter 'I think this is the coolest tip I have ever gotten" (we left cash too haha).

Then today I gave away an SOH to a patient that saw it on my desk. She asked what it was and I showed her a card while I checked her in for her appt, she then pulled out her phone to look it up. She seemed really upset today, so I gave her mine. I can always order more. She then said she has to tell her mom and sister about them.

And now my favorite... I sent a few care packages overseas. I got an email last night from a deployed chaplain stating that I made a small group of grown men cry happy tears. I guess it was a bad day- and my package with SOH arrived on that day, and that small reminder to smile just helped.

So I hope on the hard tiring days y'all at SOH know you are making a difference. And you are helping people like me make a difference. All the happiness

- Shawna

Also in Community Stories

SPARK ⭕ First time smiles

June 26, 2024

After months of being apart, I finally got to meet my girlfriend for the first time in real life. We have known each other since July last year, but have been "together" since January. It was exciting and nerve wracking to meet the love of my life and to find out whether we really were as compatible as we both thought we were.

And we were! I met her family as well, and they gave me a Smile. And now I can look at that Smile and think about my new, extended family who lives on the other side of the world. Soon, my girlfriend will come to Europe and we will find a solution to make our long-distance relationship into a life-long relationship instead.

Thank you for those sweet Smiles, those cute creatures who inspire and spread joy!

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SPARK ⭕ Spreading Happiness during travel

June 24, 2024

Primarily, I give seeds to my friends on their birthdays. I have done this since my mom found the company at a crafts fair in 2015. The seeds have traveled with me and to my friends all over the country from high school to undergrad to law school.

I love spreading happiness and it always warms my heart when a person will tell me years later that they still have a Seed of Happiness sitting on their desk.

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SPARK ⭕ Spreading Smiles in Uganda 😊🇺🇬

June 23, 2024

We're thrilled to share a heartwarming story that recently unfolded in Uganda, all thanks to Connect to Uganda. Check out all the images on our FB page but here are the highlights. 

Thank you for being a part of our journey and for your commitment to spreading kindness and joy. Together, we're making the world a brighter place, one smile at a time!  

"The mission team started our week with the perfect devotion led by team member Suzanne. She gifted everyone a smile from Seeds of Happiness .
We had a great time finding lots of ways to generate more smiles throughout our time in Uganda. Check out the good work this company is doing; they're based in Kirkwood. We love their commitment to making connections!!" 

- Connect to Uganda

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