SPARK ⭕ Spreading Smiles in Uganda 😊🇺🇬 - Seeds of Happiness

SPARK ⭕ Spreading Smiles in Uganda 😊🇺🇬

SPARK ⭕ Spreading Smiles in Uganda 😊🇺🇬

June 23, 2024

We're thrilled to share a heartwarming story that recently unfolded in Uganda, all thanks to Connect to Uganda. Check out all the images on our FB page but here are the highlights. 

Thank you for being a part of our journey and for your commitment to spreading kindness and joy. Together, we're making the world a brighter place, one smile at a time!  

"The mission team started our week with the perfect devotion led by team member Suzanne. She gifted everyone a smile from Seeds of Happiness .
We had a great time finding lots of ways to generate more smiles throughout our time in Uganda. Check out the good work this company is doing; they're based in Kirkwood. We love their commitment to making connections!!" 

- Connect to Uganda

Also in Community Stories

SPARK ⭕ Seeds are for happiness

June 28, 2024

I give my kids Seeds when they bring home an "A" on a school test or when they accomplish a goal, like a karate belt. My son recently earned his orange belt so I gave him and orange SOH 

They are not just for the tough times, they are a great way to celebrate life too!

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SPARK ⭕ Giving smiles in times of need

June 27, 2024

I found out earlier today my friends mom was in the hospital.

I had one of my favorites seeds in my pocket that I've carried around for about 4 months.

I knew she needed the smile so much more than I did, so I gave my purple seed to her. The look on her face was so rewarding, she hugged me and started to cry because it brought a smile to her face. She said to me that she was going to immediately take it to her mom because it just so happened to be her moms favorite color.

It gave me chills to think that I helped someone that much.

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SPARK ⭕ First time smiles

June 26, 2024

After months of being apart, I finally got to meet my girlfriend for the first time in real life. We have known each other since July last year, but have been "together" since January. It was exciting and nerve wracking to meet the love of my life and to find out whether we really were as compatible as we both thought we were.

And we were! I met her family as well, and they gave me a Smile. And now I can look at that Smile and think about my new, extended family who lives on the other side of the world. Soon, my girlfriend will come to Europe and we will find a solution to make our long-distance relationship into a life-long relationship instead.

Thank you for those sweet Smiles, those cute creatures who inspire and spread joy!

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